The aim of this project is to revive the heritage memory of Otford. It tells the stories of 28 of our village homes, the palace and the battle between Edward Ironside and Cnut over our ford. Watercolour sketches provide a clear impression of each house when in its prime. These combine with the stories of the homes in a series of ten heritage boards located throughout the village.

Each heritage board is located opposite the three houses it describes so that both information and image become more relevant to the viewer. In an easily-followed trail, the boards can recreate the heritage story of the village in its modern context.
Each heritage board contains a QR code as well as a NFC tag, which enables those with Smartphones to listen to a two-minute commentary about the homes at each location. Commentaries are available in either English, French or German as well as being accessible on the Otford Heritage website. There is a n accompanying series of work-sheets for students so that the trail can form part of their local studies curriculum.
The Heritage Trail starts opposite St Bartholomew’s Church car park near to Place Tower (❶ on the map).
You can find the link to the Heritage Trail website by clicking here.